Christopher Carter, PhD
Associate Professor of Theology, Ecology, & Race
Methodist Theological School in Ohio
My research, writing, and activism center on racial justice. Most of my work examines the environmental injustices experienced by Black, Indigenous, and other peoples of color.
I believe that food and animal agriculture plays a critical role in the marginalization of Black, Indigenous, and Latinx people. The food we eat, the air we breathe, and the land on which we work suffer from environmental exploitation.
But I know that there is another way and my goal is to help us chart that path. My writing examines how marginalized communities could subvert industrial agriculture and create food sovereign communities in order to save ourselves and hopefully our planet.

Soul food has played a critical role in preserving Black history, community, and culinary genius. It is also a response to–and marker of–centuries of food injustice. Given the harm that our food production system inflicts upon Black people, "The Spirit of Soul Food: Race, Faith, & Food Justice" asks, what should soul food look like today?